Legal News

Director Banned for Breaching COVID Loan Rules

A man has been banned from acting as a company director for 10 years after breaching the rules of a scheme designed to support businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The man, who was the sole director of a construction company, applied in 2020 for a...

High Court Ruling in Will Forgery Case

An allegation that a will is a forgery can be hard to prove. However, such an allegation was successfully made out in a High Court case concerning an elderly man who died during the COVID-19 pandemic. The man had passed away in February 2021. A firm of...

Court Orders Correction of Errors in Partnership Accounts

The passage of time does not necessarily prevent partners from revisiting partnership accounts that they believe are inaccurate. The High Court demonstrated the point in directing that a number of errors in a family partnership's accounts be corrected. In...

High Court Rules on Costs of Will Dispute

Those responsible for administering an estate are generally entitled to recover the costs properly incurred in doing so from the estate. Recently, the High Court ruled on whether costs concerning a dispute over a will and an application to remove the...

Waiting Time for Grants of Probate Falls

Following concerns last year about delays in processing probate applications, recent figures from HM Courts and Tribunals Service show that waiting times for grants of probate are continuing to improve. The average time from submission of a probate...

Settlement of Proceedings Does Not Prevent Second Adjudication

When attempting to resolve a dispute, careful drafting of any agreement is essential to protect your position in the event of further argument. A recent High Court case concerned whether a settlement of adjudication enforcement proceedings prevented one of...

Inheritance Disputes - Costs Risks Can Be Reduced

Arguments about what someone promised before their death can lead to significant legal costs. However, if faced with a claim against the estate, there may be steps the beneficiaries or executors can take to reduce the risks, as a recent High Court case...

Breach of Warranty Claim Can Go to Trial

After a company has been purchased, any allegations that the seller is in breach of warranties given to the purchaser are likely to require careful determination. That point was illustrated recently when the High Court refused a businessman's application to...

Retired Businessman's Final Will Ruled Invalid

Having your will drawn up professionally by a qualified solicitor is always a sensible precaution, especially in later life. In a recent case, the High Court ruled that a retired businessman lacked testamentary capacity when he made a will less than three...

Partner Who Resigned Entitled to Share of Partnership Assets

When partners resign or retire from a partnership, the partnership agreement will normally govern their rights and responsibilities following their resignation. However, where the terms of their departure are not agreed, are they entitled to the value of...

Challenge to Will's Validity Rejected by High Court

The best way to ensure your assets will be distributed as you wish is to have your will professionally drafted by a qualified solicitor. In a recent case, a challenge to the validity of an elderly man's will was dismissed by the High Court. The man had...

Law Commission Proposes Crypto-Token Law Reform

The Law Commission has proposed draft legislation regarding a third category of personal property into which crypto-tokens and other assets could fall. This is the latest stage in the Commission's work on law reform that is designed to ensure the law can...

Court of Appeal Overturns Will Dispute Ruling

Unfortunately, will disputes can sometimes be drawn out long after the passing of the person who bequeathed their assets. This was so in a contentious probate battle which progressed to the Court of Appeal after a High Court judgment was challenged. The...

Incoming Bill Will Crack Down on Unfair and Anti-Competitive Practices

New legislation aimed at stamping out unfair practices and promoting competition in digital markets is set to come into effect later this year, after moving to committee stage in the House of Lords. The Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Bill, which...

Will Execution - Remote Witnessing Legislation Expires

A legal amendment that was made during the COVID-19 pandemic allowing the witnessing of wills to take place via videoconferencing has officially expired. As of 31 January 2024, the Wills Act 1837 (Electronic Communications) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) Order...

Antiquated Contracts and Commercial Coherence - High Court Ruling

Where commercial agreements have been operating for many years, one party or another may well feel that they have become hopelessly out of date and unfit for purpose. However, as a High Court ruling showed , even very old bargains will be upheld if they are...

Should Original Wills Still be Stored in Paper Form? MoJ Consults Legal Profession

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has launched a consultation on the storage and retention of original will documents by HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS). The consultation is intended as a means to challenge the current system of will storage and look at...

Post-Brexit Biosecurity Border Controls Come Into Effect

New post-Brexit border controls introduced by the government have now come into effect for animals, plants and plant products imported to Great Britain from the EU. The controls – known as the Border Target Operating Model – apply to products...

Failing to Make a Professionally Drafted Will Risks Tearing Your Family Apart

Many grieving families have sadly been torn apart by a loved one's failure to make a professionally drafted will. Exactly that happened in a High Court case concerning two brothers who fell out bitterly over which of them should take charge of...

Reasonableness of Exclusion Clauses in Hire Purchase Contracts Under Fire

In a ruling of particular importance to the motor sales industry, the reasonableness of exclusion clauses in hire purchase contracts which seek to avoid liability in respect of goods that are not of satisfactory quality has been thrown into doubt by a Court...

Always Seek Legal Expertise to Help Ensure Your Wishes Are Fulfilled

Having your will drafted by a professional involves only modest expense and has the great advantage of reducing the risk of your bequests being successfully challenged after you are gone. In a case on point, the High Court gave full legal effect to a...

First Salvo in Bitter Inheritance Dispute Fired Before Deceased Laid to Rest

Making a will when your death is imminent is almost never a good idea and is often a positive invitation to dispute between your loved ones after you are gone. In a case on point, the first salvo in a tragic inheritance dispute was fired even before the...

Selling a Company? Put Lipstick on a Pig at Your Peril

When marketing a company, it may be perfectly legitimate to paint its business and prospects in the best possible light. However, as a High Court ruling showed , the thick application of lipstick to a pig may enter the realms of fraud. The case concerned...

Inheritance - Your Right to Seek Reasonable Provision Dies With You

If you have not been reasonably provided for in a loved one's will, the law may come to your aid. However, as a High Court ruling made plain , your ability to seek legal redress cannot itself be inherited and will expire on your death. Following the deaths...

Director of Counterfeit COVID-19 Face Masks Supplier Cleared of Fraud

The corporate veil affords no protection to directors who have behaved fraudulently. However, as was made plain by a case concerning the frenzied market in the supply of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a great difference between...
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